Jan 06, 2017
International VOGUE Editor, Suzy Menkes visits ISDI

One isn’t introduced to Suzy Menkes. One is ushered into her presence. And what presence it is! ISDI was fortunate to have Fashion’s most esteemed voice, the Legendary Suzy Menkes – International Fashion Editor of 20 Vogue websites & Bandana Tewari – Fashion Features Director, VOGUE India – two of the most influential & authoritative voices in Global Fashion at ISDI. Suzy & Bandana’s enthusiasm for fashion is unparalleled – they touched upon topics ranging from Global Fashion, Sustainable Fashion, the Kardashians, Indian Saris to Bollywood – the list is endless but proves to all and sundry that this was the place to be! We were privileged to have amidst us renowned designers & guests from the fashion industry such as Manish Arora, Nachiket Barve, Anita Lal, Shilpa Chavan, Marielou Phillips & several more.