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Undergraduate Program


Undergraduate Program

The Burgeon Co.

Prachiti Kamath

Interior Design

Class of 2021

The Burgeon Co. brings in Scholars, Professionals and Critics together; to share, collaborate and develop through learning and discussions, considering their back- ground from Art, History & Sociology. The idea was to develop a co-living space for them and to provide them with research materials, expert connections, events with a private accommodation during their period of study.

Reviving the heritage of Art Deco Mumbai.

The site is a Residential Art Deco Building, Constructed in the 1930s. Bombay’s Art Deco buildings, one of the largest collections in the world to have the unique feature of being a ‘Modern Living Heritage’.

The Vision was to seek people into the conservation of the fields by deepening learning experiences and featuring experts through the curation formats of workshops, discussions, lectures, screenings and other collaborations in one space with the exposure to community living.